This page offers online links to manuscripts of the Compendium
historiae in genealogia Christi of Peter of Poitiers (Petrus
Pictaviensis) which I researched for my own use, similar to the
tabulation I created for the Great
Stemma. Study of the Compendium has been been raised to a
new level by the studies of Dr Andrea Worm whose Habilitationsschrift, Geschichte
und Weltordnung: Graphische Modelle von Zeit und Raum in
Universalchroniken vor 1500 (Berlin: Gebr. Mann, forthcoming), is
to appear as a book in 2017, but I believe this simple list, despite
omissions and errors will remain useful to scholars, so I am leaving it
online [*]See also: Worm, Andrea.
‘Diagrammatic Chronicles’. Edited by R. Graeme Dunphy. The
Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle. Leiden: Brill, 2010.
———. ‘Ista Est Ierusalem. Intertextuality and
Visual Exegesis in the Representation of Jerusalem in Peter of
Poitiers’ Compendium Historiae in Genealogia Christi and Werner
Rolevinck’s Fasciculus Temporum’. In Imagining
Jerusalem in the Medieval West, edited by Lucy Donkin and Hanna
Vorholt, 123–61. Proceedings of the British Academy 175.
London: Oxford Univ. Press, 2012.
‘Visualizing the Order of History: Hugh of Saint Victor’s
Chronicon and Peter of Poitiers’ Compendium Historiae’.
In Romanesque and the Past: Retrospection in the Art and
Architecture of Romanesque Europe, edited by Richard Plant and
John McNeill. Leeds: Maney, 2013.
‘Arbor Humanum Genus Significat: Trees of Consanguinity and
Genealogical Trees of Salvation History in the Romanesque Bible
Manuscripts of Parc, Floreffe, and Foigny’. In The Tree:
Symbol, Allegory, and Mnemonic Device in Medieval Art and Thought,
edited by Andrea Worm and Pippa Salonius. Turnhout: Brepols, 2014.
. I have been able to locate more than twenty manuscripts
online in sufficiently high resolution to read the script.
My tabulation was based on a list published in 2003 by Laura Alidori.[*]Alidori, Laura. "Il Plut. 20.56 della Laurenziana. Appunti sull?iconografia dei manoscritti della Genealogia di Petrus Pictaviensis." In Cicli e immagini bibliche nella miniatura, edited by Laura Alidori, 157-170. Florence: Centro di Storia della Miniatura, 2003. Alidori says her sources were Stegm�ller, texts that deal with the Compendium such as those of Moore, Fossier, Panayotova and Monroe, plus discoveries of her own online and from catalogs and incipit collections, plus a few fortuitous discoveries. I first corrected, expanded and tabulated Alidori's unstructured list, translating most of it (one or two words may remain in Italian) and adding links to online versions.
I have assumed that items described as non miniato by Alidori are codices, and that the language is Latin in all items where there is no statement to the contrary. It would appear that her annotation cronaca universale refers to the third category of such manuscripts in a division which is summarized by Monroe as follows:
Apparently it first consisted of a "pure" or standard text as the author conceived it. This work then gradually became enlarged and extended by numerous additions and interpolations, principally passages borrowed from Peter Comestor's Historia Scholastica but including other sources as well. In its third form the Compendium was incorporated into a number of universal chronicles which cover a period from the Creation to the time of Christ, ending with the entry of a contemporary event.
These categories are marked, where known, in the evolutions column, as standard (ST), interpolated (IP) or universal chronicle (UC).
Once Alidori's list had been adopted as a basis, it was then expanded with additional entries found in the mainly German catalogs, many of them new, available through the Manuscripta Mediaevalia web index. The 19th-century French catalogs are mostly online and can be tracked down using the Gatt� list. Brigitte Pfeil's portal, Handschriftenkataloge Online, is especially helpful in finding digitized catalogs. Newer catalogs and articles in turn pointed out several manuscripts that had been overlooked in literature up to the end of the 20th century, and a 1994 article by Andreas Fingernagel located several new items in Austria. Cahn's article on the Menora located several more.[*]Proper bibliographic references to these will of course be added here later when I have the time.
Targeted searches for the manuscripts that have been digitized can be conducted through Manuscripta Mediaevalia, the Digital Scriptorium and other web portals including Manuscrits Enlumin�s in France, Austria's Mittelalterliche Handschriften in �sterreichischen Bibliotheken and Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections.
Web searches for these incipits have helped to locate more Compendia:
Considerans histori(a)e (sacrae) prolixitatem necnon et difficultatem scolarium quoque circa studium sacr(a)e lectionis ...; or: Consideryng the lenght and the hardnesse of holy scripture and nameli of the ground of the lettir historial ...
However, as Fingernagel points out, some of these are likely to be of the universal-chronicle category or to be completely new evolutions of Peter's idea. In May 2014, an edition of one of these evolutions is to appear in print with a digital edition attached. Lisa Fagin Davis has edited the Chronique Anonyme Universelle for the Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History (HMSAH) series from the Belgian-based publisher Brepols. See Twitpix for an image of a roll, MssCol 2557 MA 124, in the New York Public Library.
I have not conducted closer checks on any of the new finds yet, but new 14th-century items such as quart. Cod. ms. 989 in the BSB in Munich seem to be the genuine thing, and it is plain that the list can be weeded at some point in the future if any of these turn out to be sightings of diagrams that are not the Compendium. Items excluded for any reason will be removed to the foot of the table and marked XX in the left column.
The list was later compared to two standard reference sources which supplied more leads. One was Friedrich Stegm�ller's Repertorium biblicum Medii Aevi, vol 4 (1954) at number 6778 (use the online RB). This was consulted by Alidori: it contains five items which she excluded without explaining why. The other list of Compendium manuscripts checked was that published by Dan Embree on Repertorium Chronicarum (not updated since January 2007). This also yielded further leads. The various scholarly books on the Compendium (I will do a bibliography later) contain manuscript lists as well.
If possible, this tabulation will also be compared to the rather thin list of Compendium manuscripts in Graeme Dunphy's Encyclopaedia of the Medieval Chronicle, published in 2010: the article there by Dr Marigold Anne Norbye states that the Compendium survives in "more than 100 manuscripts".[*]Dunphy, Raymond Graeme, ed. Encyclopaedia of the Medieval Chronicle. 2 vols. Leiden: Brill, 2010. For more information about the community of scholars who wrote the Encyclopaedia, see the website of the Medieval Chronicle Society, of which Dr Dunphy is president.
In August 2012, Klaus Graf offered a useful blog post in response to this page, pointing to two further German-language manuscripts (Augsburg and Klagenfurt, both German translations by Bollstatter) of the Compendium which I had not mentioned at that stage. Those interested in the German reception should see his 1987 dissertation which discusses the work's evolution in German. Along with other help, I would like to thank Werner Hoffmann for further kind suggestions.
Dr Dunphy suggested in his preface (page ix) to the Encyclopaedia that we might one day have access to a one-stop web portal leading to European and near Eastern chronicles, but as far as I know, no such web project has come to fruition.
The Compendium goes under a wide variety of names, including Genealogia Sanctorum Patrum. Alidori lists:
When this list was first placed online it ran to 185 items, but quite quickly expanded to more than 220. It is clear that some items will turn out not to contain the Compendium after all, or to contain late works derived from it, such as the Compilatio librorum historialium totius biblie of Johannes de Utino or the Chronique universelle d'Orléans of Jennelot, a work compiled in about 1450 (a copy of this was offered for sale by Les Enluminures some years ago) and it will also doubtless emerge that there are other copies of the Compendium in circulation which I have missed. Please write to me if you can add to or correct the list.
The dates in the right column of the table are obviously very approximate, and are only included to make the table sortable: click on the headers to arrange the materials by date, by language, or grouping what has been digitized, and so on.
N | Repository | Online | Shelfmark | Fol | Evol | Origin | Lang | Format | Notes | Date |
AM | Yerevan, Mesrop Mashtots Institute | Armenian | arm | personal information received | 1607 | |||||
AT | Admont, Stiftsarchiv | Catalog | Cod. 128 | 2-13 | French? | lat | codex | XIII century mid; see cat ref with Wolfenb�ttel, Blankenburg 305 B; uncertain (cf. Embree) | 1250 | |
AT | Admont, Stiftsarchiv | Catalog | Cod. 583 | 1- | lat | codex | XV century; see also Hill description; uncertain (cf. Embree) | 1450 | ||
AT | Admont, Stiftsarchiv | Catalog | Mappe 1 | lat | fragment | XIII century; roll? uncertain (cf. Embree) | 1250 | |||
AT | Admont, Stiftsarchiv | Catalog | Mappe 2 | lat | fragment | XIV century; roll? uncertain (cf. Embree) | 1350 | |||
AT | Graz, Universit�tsbibliothek | Catalog | Ms. 163 | lat | roll | XIV century: see also online catalog. Embree adds "[33/53 fo] (1308)". | 1350 | |||
AT | Graz, Universit�tsbibliothek | Catalog | Ms. 182 | 276r-287r | lat | codex | dated 1308 at 275v; see online catalog. Embree adds "[40/92 4o] (1308)". | 1308 | ||
AT | Innsbruck, Universit�ts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol | Catalog | Cod. 9 | 2ra-21vb | Tyrolean or Allg�u | lat | codex | XV century | 1464 | |
AT | Klagenfurt, Bisch�fliches Bibliothek | Catalog | Cod. XXXI b 6 | 86v- | ger | codex | XV century, mid; Graf attributes the translation to Bollstatter. See also Ott 1983 | 1450 | ||
AT | Klosterneuberg, Augustiner Chorherrenstift | Catalog | 696 | 2-7 | lat | codex | XIII century. None of the images with the link are of the Compendium. | 1250 | ||
AT | Kremsm�nster, Stiftsbiblithek | Catalog | Codex Cremifanensis 243 | 50r-61r | lat | codex | XIV century. Listed in Fingernagel. Discussed by Worm, Ista, note 43. See also Embree. Facsimile edition, 1972. | 1350 | ||
AT | Kremsm�nster, Stiftsbiblithek | Catalog | Codex Cremifanensis 347 | lat | codex | circa 1300; unclear if Compendium included: listed in Embree. See also Manuscripta. | 1300 | |||
AT | Lilienfeld, Zisterzienserstift | Catalog | 227 | lat | codex | See also catalog online | ||||
AT | Linz, Ober�sterreichische Landesbibliothek | Digitized | Hs.-390 | 1r-6r | lat | codex | XIII century | 1250 | ||
AT | Linz, Ober�sterreichische Landesbibliothek | Digitized | Hs.-490 | 4r-9r | lat | codex | XIII century. Listed in Fingernagel | 1250 | ||
AT | Melk, Benediktinerstift | Catalog | Cod. 44 [593 L 12] | Austrian (Melk?) | lat | codex | XIV century; (non illum.) catalog says only Historia libri Actuum Apostolorum in this codex | 1350 | ||
AT | Melk, Benediktinerstift | Catalog | Cod. 213 [599 L 20] | Austrian (?) | lat | codex | XIV century; (non illum.) catalog says only Historia libri Actuum Apostolorum in this codex | 1350 | ||
AT | Melk, Benediktinerstift | Catalog | Cod. 561 [389 G 55] | Austrian (?) | lat | codex | circa 1300; (non illum.) | 1300 | ||
AT | Melk, Benediktinerstift | Catalog | Cod. 1708 (929) | 107v-126v | Austrian (Melk?) | lat | codex | XIV century second half; (non illum.) | 1375 | |
AT | Retz, Stadtarchiv | Details hi-res | Cod. 65/19 | 444v- | Bohemian | lat | codex | 1460. Catalog. One hi-res image. | 1460 | |
AT | Salzburg, Erzabtei St. Peter | Catalog | a X 12 | 44r-54v | lat | codex | XV century. See Moore, 106. | 1450 | ||
AT | Salzburg, Universit�tsbibliothek | Catalog | M II 371 | 25r- | lat | codex | -- century | |||
AT | Schl�gl, Stiftsbibliothek | Catalog | Codex Plagensis 67 (820. 119) | lat | This lead from a search for "considerans" at HMML does not show the incipit. | |||||
AT | Schl�gl, Stiftsbibliothek | Catalog | Codex Plagensis 9 (817. 158) | 337r-349v | lat | codex | XIII-XIV century. See Moore, 104. | 1300 | ||
AT | Wien, �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek | Digitized | Cod. 363 (Lunelac. f. 183) | 1r-6v (6-15) | lat | codex | XIV century. Catalog. Listed by Fingernagel. HMML | 1350 | ||
AT | Wien, �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek | Catalog | Cod. 364 (Hist. Prof. 72) | 1v-17v | Austrian | lat | codex | XIV century (Cahn: first half); see also online catalog. See Moore, 105. | 1350 | |
AT | Wien, �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek | Catalog | Cod. 378 (Hist. Eccl. 25) | 1r-7r | lat | codex | XIII century first half. See also online catalog. See Moore, 101. | 1225 | ||
AT | Wien, �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek | Catalog | 813 (Rec. 3127) | 175r-186r | lat | codex | XIII-XIV century; see also online description | 1300 | ||
AT | Wien, �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek | Catalog | 1506 (Salzburg 97) | 123v-128r | lat | codex | XIII century. See Moore, 104. | 1250 | ||
AT | Wien, �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek | Digitized | Cod. 1548 | 29-39 | lat | codex | P. Comestor, Hist. Ecclesiasticae: preface? See online catalog. Library Catalog. | 1460 | ||
AT | Wien, �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek | Catalog | Cod. 3295 | 49-60 | lat | codex | XV century, printed catalog. | 1450 | ||
AT | Wien, �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek | Catalog | Cod. 3332 | -- | German | lat | codex | 1448. Listed by Fingernagel. Uncertain: item number 5 in catalog? | 1448 | |
AT | Wien, �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek | Catalog | Cod. 12449 | lat | XVI century; see also online catalog | 1550 | ||||
AT | Wien, �sterreichische Nationalbibliothek | Catalog | Cod. 12538 | 1r-13r | lat | XIII century second half; Catalog; principal subject of Fingernagel article. | 1270 | |||
BE | Br�ssel, Biblioth�que Royale de Belgique | Catalog | 166 (1270-71) | 191r-197r | lat | codex | XIII century. (non illum.) See Moore, 103. | 1250 | ||
BE | Br�ssel, Biblioth�que Royale de Belgique | Catalog | 167 (5554-6) | 1r-6v | lat | codex | XIII century. (non illum.) See Moore, 103. | 1250 | ||
BE | Br�ssel, Biblioth�que Royale de Belgique | Catalog | 169 (270) | 1v-7r | lat | codex | XIV century. (non illum.) See Moore, 104. | 1350 | ||
BE | Br�ssel, Biblioth�que Royale de Belgique | Catalog | 174 (9174) | 1-30 | Spanish | lat | codex | XIV century, second third. Catalog attributes this (wrongly) to Gallus Kemli. See Moore, 104. | 1350 | |
BE | Br�ssel, Biblioth�que Royale de Belgique | Catalog | 214 (1485-1501) | 70r-73v | lat | codex | (non illum.) | |||
BE | Tournai, Biblioth�que du Grand S�minaire | Catalog | 4 | 2-3 | German | lat | codex | XIII century | 1230 | |
BE | Tournai, Biblioth�que de Ville | 51r-55r | lat | codex | Destroyed in the Luftwaffe bombing of Tournai 1940-05-17. Discussed 2010-12-06 in two entries in my blog. | |||||
CH | Aarau, Kantonsbibliothek | unfound | Wettingen F 9 | 144v- | lat | XIII century; Catalog since 2009. Embree has Wett. fol. 26/VII (1398). | 1250 | |||
CH | Basle | unfound | 469 | lat | Lead from Little's index | |||||
CH | Gen�ve, Biblioth�que Bodmer | unfound | Cod. 183 | 2v | French or English | lat | roll | XIII century: a roll that has been cut into seven sheets and converted to a codex, according to Cahn, quoted by Stork. Formerly Chester Beatty Ms. 69 | 1250 | |
CH | Geneve, Biblioth�que Publique et Universitaire | unfound | Com. Lat. 113 | Tuscan | lat | roll | XIV century early; one color repro in Worm, Ista es Jerusalem; library catalog. | 1310 | ||
CH | Z�rich, Zentralbibliothek | Ms. Rheinau 193 | lat | Noted by Stork (note 16), quoting Cahn, described as a Compendium veteris testamenti, discussed in catalog Eggenberger, SchriftR�ume, 2008 | ||||||
CH | Z�rich, Zentralbibliothek | Car. C 184 | Swiss (Gallus Kemli) | lat | roll | XV century; was in Burgerbibliothek | 1450 | |||
CH | Z�rich, Zentralbibliothek | Digitized | Ms. A 135 | Swiss (Gallus Kemli) | ger | codex | XV century | 1450 | ||
CZ | Praha, N�rodn� Knihovna | Catalog | III.E.5 (Lat. 480) | 196v-201v | lat | codex | XIV century (catalog search: seek "III.E.5"). See Moore, 105. | 1350 | ||
DE | Augsburg, Staats- und Stadtbibliothek | Catalog | fol. Cod 48 | 1v-6r | lat | codex | ||||
DE | Augsburg, Stadtarchiv | Catalog | Sch�tze 121 | part A ff. 1ra-29va and part B ff. 13ra-58rb | German (Swabian) | ger | codex | See Catalog with four references to literature and the 1917 description by Roth, both links contributed by Graf, who attributes part A to Konrad Bollstatter and part B to the Aalener Stadtschreiber | 1470 | |
DE | Bad Gandersheim, Stiftsbibliothek | Catalog | 249 | lat | codex | 1447. See Embree | 1447 | |||
DE | Berlin, Staatliche Museen, Kupferstichkabinett | Ms. 78 D.1 | 10v- | French | XIV century? (from Cahn) | 1350 | ||||
DE | Berlin, Staatsbibliothek | Catalog | Ms. Ham. 503 | 4r-9v | French(?) | lat | codex | XII century late; aka Hamilton 503. �bersicht | 1190 | |
DE | Berlin, Staatsbibliothek | Catalog, page 116 | Ms. lat. fol. 24 | 1r-6r | German | lat | codex | XIV century. See Moore, 104. �bersicht | 1250 | |
DE | Berlin, Staatsbibliothek | Catalog, page 18 | Ms. lat. fol. 64 | German | lat | codex | Only listed in Cahn. �bersicht | |||
DE | Berlin, Staatsbibliothek | Catalog, page 92 | Ms. lat. fol. 141 | German | lat | roll | XlII century first third. See Moore, 103. �bersicht | 1220 | ||
DE | Berlin, Staatsbibliothek | �bersicht | Ms. lat. fol. 325 | German (Brandenburg?) | lat | roll | XIV century, end. See Rose, page 1032; Ziesche. | 1390 | ||
DE | Berlin, Staatsbibliothek | �bersicht | Ms. lat. fol. 847 | 1-10 | lat | codex | script. 1468 | 1468 | ||
DE | Berlin, Staatsbibliothek | Catalog, page 36 | Ms. theol. lat. fol. 7 (Rose 257) | 2r-14v | lat | codex | XV century. Catalog on Google Books. See also Stegm�ller. See Moore, 105. (Also "theol. fol. 7"). �bersicht | 1450 | ||
DE | Berlin, Staatsbibliothek | Catalog, page 10 | Ms. theol. lat. fol. 67 (Rose 243) | 221-224, 227-230 | lat | codex | XV century. See also old Catalog, page 22. Moore, 106. This is an addition to the fourth of a four-volume bible, and is accordingly listed by Cahn as Ms. theol. lat. fol. 64. (Also "theol. fol. 67"). �bersicht | 1450 | ||
DE | Berlin, Staatsbibliothek | Catalog, page 24 | Ms. theol. lat. fol. 204 | 298r-310v | lat | codex | XV century. See Moore, 106. (Also "theol. fol. 204"). �bersicht | 1450 | ||
DE | Braunschweig, Stadtbibliothek | Catalog | 143 | 204-218 | lat | codex | ||||
DE | Darmstadt, Hessische Landes- und Hochschulbibliothek | Catalog | Hs 190 | 124r- | lat | codex | XV century second third. Access | 1450 | ||
DE | Eichst�tt, Universit�tsbibliothek | Catalog | cod. st 205 | 146v-158v | lat | codex | 1455-56: much altered | |||
DE | Eisleben, Turmbibliothek der Andreaskirche | Catalog | Ms. 960 | lat | codex | 1461-1487 | 1461 | |||
DE | Erfurt, Universit�ts- und Forschungsbibliothek Erfurt/Gotha | Catalog | Dep. Erf. CA. 2� 055 | 101r-106 | lat | codex | XIII-XIV century; attributed in cataloM MsMMs. tg to Hugo. See Moore, 102. Also referred to as Amplon F. 55. | 1300 | ||
DE | Erfurt, Universit�ts- und Forschungsbibliothek Erfurt/Gotha | Catalog | Dep. Erf. CA. 2� 079 | 90-95 | Italian | lat | codex | XIII century mid. See Moore, 102. Also referred to as Amplon F. 79. | 1250 | |
DE | Erfurt, Universit�ts- und Forschungsbibliothek Erfurt/Gotha | Catalog | Dep. Erf. CA. 2� 108 | 71r-74v | lat | codex | XIII-XIV century. See Moore, 102. Also referred to as Amplon F. 108. | 1300 | ||
DE | Erfurt, Universit�ts- und Forschungsbibliothek Erfurt/Gotha | Catalog | Dep. Erf. CA. 4� 117 | 71-74 | lat | codex | XIII-XIV century; doubtful if this contains Compendium | 1300 | ||
DE | Frankfurt am Main, Stadt- und Universit�tsbibliothek | Catalog | Inc. quart 706a | 1r-4v? | lat | codex | 1486/1500 | 1486 | ||
DE | Frankfurt am Main, Stadt- und Universit�tsbibliothek | Digitized | Ms. germ. quart 13 | 130v-140r | lat | codex | XV century, Catalog | 1479 | ||
DE | Freiburg im Breisgau, Universit�tsbibliothek | Catalog | UB 36a | IIr-VIIr | lat | codex | XIII century: bible. Access | 1250 | ||
DE | Gotha, Forschungs- und Landesbibliothek | Catalog | Chart. A 4 | 1-22 | German | lat | codex | 1427. Guide to library | 1427 | |
DE | G�ttingen, Universit�t | Catalog | Luneb. 17 | 13-25 | lat | codex | Access | |||
DE | G�ttingen, Universit�t | Catalog | 4� Cod. Ms. theol. 293 | 71r-94v | ger | codex | XV century; see also Handschriftencensus with literature. Graf attributes the translation to Bollstatter. See Moore, 106. | 1450 | ||
DE | Hamburg, Staats- und Universit�tsbibliothek | Petri 36 | 63v-67v | lat | codex | 1415 (186r) - Papier in 4� - I + 239 + I Bl. - 21,0 x 15,0 (Die Handschriften der St. Petri-Kirche, Hamburg (1967)). Future access? | 1415 | |||
DE | Hamburg, Staats- und Universit�tsbibliothek | Theol. 1052 | 1r-12v | lat | codex | XV century - Papier in 2� - 226 Bl. - 28 x 20. The 1975 printed catalog (volume 2.1) notes this as "lost", but this note has been deleted in the catalog copy in the library's own manuscript room, so it is probably one of the group restituted from the former Soviet Union. Future access? | 1450 | |||
DE | Hamburg, Staats- und Universit�tsbibliothek | Theol. 2029 | 1r-18v | IP | lat | codex | About 1400 - Pergament - 144 Bl. - 18 x 13,5 (Catalog volume 2.3, pp. 117-8). XIV-XV century; vanished since WWII; this contained the interpolated recension which was transcribed and published in 1931 by Vollmer. See Moore, 105. | 1400 | ||
DE | Hannover, Nieders�chsische Landesbibliothek | Catalog | I 200 | lat | dated 1456 | 1456 | ||||
DE | Hannover, Stadtbibliothek | Catalog | Mag. 27 | 1r-8r | lat | codex | XV century | 1450 | ||
DE | Heidelberg, Universit�tsbibliothek | Digitized | Cod. Sal. IX, 40 | 2va-7vb | German (Salem) | lat | codex | circa 1300 | 1300 | |
DE | K�ln, Historisches Archiv der Stadt K�ln | Digitized | W 247 (Best. 7010, 247) | 2r-7r | lat | codex | XII century, second half, Catalog | |||
DE | K�ln, Historisches Archiv der Stadt K�ln | Catalog | W 254 | XII century? See Embree. | 1200 | |||||
DE | K�ln, Historisches Archiv der Stadt K�ln | Catalog | W 385 | lat | roll | XV century; an unusually narrow version | ||||
DE | Leipzig, Universit�tsbibliothek | Digitized | Ms. Apel 1 | 3v-12r | Dutch | lat | codex | XIV century, first half. Formerly Halle, 12 B 14. Formerly Leipzig Ms. 1702. Catalog. See also Renate Schipke interim Catalog, go to Seite a189. | 1325 | |
DE | Leipzig, Universit�tsbibliothek | Catalog | Ms. 1314 | lat | Cataloguing in progress. | |||||
DE | L�neburg, Ratsb�cherei | Catalog | Theol. Fol. 6 | 1r-6r | German | lat | codex | 1300 | ||
DE | M�nchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Catalog | cgm 252 | 138ra-145vb | ger | codex | XIV or XV century; see Handschriftencensus. Graf attributes the translation to Bollstatter. | 1300 | ||
DE | M�nchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Catalog | cgm 564 | 99va-128rb | ger | codex | XV century; see Handschriftencensus. Graf attributes the translation to Bollstatter. This is the source of the text published in 1931 by Vollmer. See Moore, 106. | 1455 | ||
DE | M�nchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Catalog | cgm 1586 | lat | See also Cat on Google Books | |||||
DE | M�nchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Digitized | clm 314 | Italy | lat | codex | Catalog | |||
DE | M�nchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Catalog | clm 2660 | lat | XIV century: precedes Petrus Comestor Scolastica historia | 1350 | ||||
DE | M�nchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Catalog | clm 5599 | 254-269 | German (Diessen) | lat | codex | Discussed in Fingernagel, note 20, which says the Compendium is here in Querformat | ||
DE | M�nchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Digitized | clm 8201 | 101- | lat | codex | XV century. Catalog. This is the item from Metten Monastery which was noted by Bernhard Pez and discussed in my blog. | 1450 | ||
DE | M�nchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Catalog | clm 8715 | 6v- | German | lat | codex | XIV-XV century (Cahn) | 1400 | |
DE | M�nchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Catalog | clm 9665 | 1r-6v | lat | codex | XIV century. See Moore, 105. | 1350 | ||
DE | M�nchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Catalog | clm 9711 | 1-12 | German (Oberaltaich) | lat | codex | XV century. Discussed in Fingernagel, note 20, which says the scribe unusually employs a double-page spread to accommodate the Compendium | 1450 | |
DE | M�nchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Catalog | clm 10182 | 1v-6v | German (Upper Rhine) | lat | codex | XIII century, first quarter Lead | 1215 | |
DE | M�nchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Catalog | clm 11703 | 184-266 | lat | codex | 1470-73, Gospel Book | 1470 | ||
DE | M�nchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Catalog | clm 12705 | German (Ranshofen) | lat | XV century | 1450 | |||
DE | M�nchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Catalog | clm 16223 | 190-206 | lat | codex | XIV century. See Moore, 102. | 1350 | ||
DE | M�nchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Digitized | clm 19414 | 171- | German (Tegernsee) | lat | codex | 1330-1340. Falsely labelled "Biblia Pauperum". Catalog. With detailed discussion in Hernad's catalog. Old catalog refers to Pertz Archiv XI, 567 and Mon. Germ. Legg. IIII, 187. | 1330 | |
DE | M�nchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Catalog | clm 28173 | 183r- | German | lat | 1455-58. OPAC. | 1455 | ||
DE | M�nchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Digitized | clm 28514 | lat | roll | 1468. Catalog. Late fork from Petrus idea. | 1468 | |||
DE | M�nchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Catalog | quart. Cod. ms. 989 | German (Upper Rhine) | lat | roll | XIV century | 1350 | ||
DE | M�nchen, Universit�tsbibliothek | Catalog | 2° Cod. ms. 80 | lat | codex | dated 1452. Access | 1452 | |||
DE | M�nchen, Universit�tsbibliothek | Catalog | 2° Cod. ms. 88 | 227v-230v | lat | codex | circa 1413 | 1413 | ||
DE | N�rnberg, Stadtbibliothek | Catalog | Cent. I, 7 | 1-8 | lat | codex | XV century first half | 1450 | ||
DE | Ottobeuren, Kloster Ottobeuren | Catalog | Ms. O. 53 | 53v-66v | lat | codex | XV century, second half. Hauke's catalog refers to Stegm�ller. | 1475 | ||
DE | Pommersfelden, Gr�flich Sch�nbornsche Schlossbibliothek | 215 (2837) | 154-159 | lat | codex | 1322-66. Only listed in Stegm�ller and Cahn. See Catalog for German part of codex. Query. | 1322 | |||
DE | Pommersfelden, Gr�flich Sch�nbornsche Schlossbibliothek | 321 | 1-40 | German (Mainz, Kartause) | lat | codex | Only listed in Stegm�ller. Query. | |||
DE | Stuttgart, Landesbibliothek | Catalog | V 90 | 39rb-45v | German | lat | codex | 1476-1478 | 1476 | |
DE | Weimar, Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek | Catalog | Fol 70 | lat | XII century mid; See also Catalog | 1250 | ||||
DE | Weimar, Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek | Catalog | Oct 111 | 6-15r | Dutch | lat | codex | XV century second quarter. Lead in Catalog | 1440 | |
DE | Wolfenb�ttel, Herzog August Bibliothek | Catalog | Cod. Guelf. 360 Helmst. | 5v-16r | German (south) | lat | codex | 1465 | ||
DE | Wolfenb�ttel, Herzog August Bibliothek | Catalog | Cod. Guelf. 113 Aug. 2° | lat | roll | XVI century. Printed catalog. Alidori cites as "Aug. fol. 113". | 1550 | |||
DE | Wolfenb�ttel, Herzog August Bibliothek | Catalog | 25. 1 Extr. | 483r-488v | Italian (Bologna) | lat | codex | XIV century | 1350 | |
DE | Wolfenb�ttel, Herzog August Bibliothek | Catalog | 305 Blankenburg | lat | roll | XIII-XIV century; see diverse blog posts. Transcribed by Heinrich Brauer. | 1300 | |||
DE | Wolfenb�ttel, Herzog August Bibliothek | Catalog | 305a Blankenburg | Swiss (St Gall) | lat | roll | XV century third quarter (Gallus Kemly) | 1460 | ||
ES | Barcelona, Universidad | Digitized | 762 (old shelfmark Vit. 1-1-13) | 2-7 | lat | codex | XIV century | 1350 | ||
ES | Gerona, Arxiu Capitular | Hebr. no. 17 | lat | fragment | XIII end or XIV century first quarter. Single sheet only, listed by Cahn | 1300 | ||||
FR | Alencon, Biblioth�que Municipale | Catalog | 66 | 1-8 | French (La Trappe) | lat | codex | XIII century | 1250 | |
FR | Alencon, Biblioth�que Municipale | Catalog | 98 | 3r-8v | lat | codex | XIII century. See Moore, 103. | 1250 | ||
FR | Amiens, Biblioth�que Municipale | Catalog | 1262 | lat | roll | XIV century | 1350 | |||
FR | Auxerre, Biblioth�que Municipale | Details | 145 (132) | 65-67 | lat | codex | XIII century (early). Catalog. See Moore, 103. | 1225 | ||
FR | Auxerre, Biblioth�que Municipale | Catalog | 146 (133) | lat | dated 1475. Only in Embree, which has this date. Catalog terms it a copy of previous. | 1475 | ||||
FR | Dijon, Biblioth�que Municipale | Catalog | 43 (25) | 24r-28v | French (Citeaux) | lat | codex | XIV century. See Moore, 105. | 1350 | |
FR | Dijon, Biblioth�que Municipale | Details | 0634 | 1-2 | French | lat | fragment | XIII century, third quarter. | 1260 | |
FR | Lyon, Biblioth�que Municipale | Digitized | 445 (374) | 1-8 | lat | codex | XIII century. See Moore, 103. | 1250 | ||
FR | Lyon, Biblioth�que Municipale | Details hi-res | 863 (767) | lat | roll | XIII century early. See Moore, 102, which argues for XII century! IRHT. | 1210 | |||
FR | Marseille, Biblioth�que Municipale | Details | 89 (Fa 21) | 52r-58v | lat | codex | XIV-XV century See Moore, 102. Catalog. IRHT. | 1400 | ||
FR | Nancy, Biblioth�que Municipale | Catalog | Ms. 491 | lat | roll | XIII century, second half. See Cahn. | 1250 | |||
FR | Paris, Arsenal | Digitized | Ms. 1234 | lat | roll | XIV century, mid. Catalog See Cahn. | 1350 | |||
FR | Paris, Biblioth�que Mazarine | Details | Ms. 305 (136) | 1r-6r | lat | codex | XIII century, second quarter. (scheme only, non illum.) Catalog. See Moore, 104. Medium resolution images. | 1250 | ||
FR | Paris, Biblioth�que nationale de France | Digitized | Lat. 297 | 89-93 | Italian (North) | lat | codex | XIII-XIV century. Stegm�ller gives origin as Carcassone, Saint Nazaire. Catalog | 1300 | |
FR | Paris, Biblioth�que nationale de France | Catalog | Lat. 1660 | 11 | lat | XV century | 1450 | |||
FR | Paris, Biblioth�que nationale de France | Digitized | Lat. 5101 | 2va-7rb | Italian (Bologna) | lat | codex | XIII century. See Moore, 103 with descriptive details. Catalog | 1250 | |
FR | Paris, Biblioth�que nationale de France | Digitized | Lat. 14435 | 136ra-141rb | French | lat | codex | XIII century. Catalog. See Moore, 101. Fingernagel interprets this as Moore's prime uninterpolated manuscript. | 1250 | |
FR | Paris, Biblioth�que nationale de France | Details | Lat. 15254 | 4va-9ra | English | lat | codex | XIII�XIV century. Also seen with reported shelfmark: "Ms. Nouv. Aq. Lat. 15254". See Moore, 105 and 54-55. | 1300 | |
FR | Paris, Biblioth�que nationale de France | Catalog | Lat. 15647 | 1v- | lat | codex | 1270 (Cahn) | 1270 | ||
FR | Paris, Biblioth�que Sainte-Genevi�ve | Digitized | ms. 1212 | lat | roll | XIII century second half. Catalog. IRHT. | 1275 | |||
FR | Paris, Ecole nationale superieure des Beaux-Arts | Details | ms. Masson 71 | French (Paris) | lat | roll | 1290-1300. Catalog. Partial image only. | 1295 | ||
FR | Poitiers, Biblioth�que Municipale | Catalog | 380 | lat | codex | XVII century | 1650 | |||
FR | Tours, Biblioth�que Municipale | Catalog | 42 | 1v-6v | lat | codex | XIII-XIV century. See Moore, 104. Other pages online. | 1300 | ||
FR | Valenciennes, Biblioth�que municipale | Catalog | 385 | 1-24 | lat | codex | XIII-XIV century | 1300 | ||
GB | Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales | 1610 F,i | lat | XIII century. Alidori's record: is this identical with one of the two below? | 1250 | |||||
GB | Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales | Ms. Brogynton II.51 (olim Brogyntyn Roll 1) | lat | roll | About 1300. Jones via Hilpert. | 1300 | ||||
GB | Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales | Brogyntyn Roll 2 | lat | roll | With royal genealogy continued to 1461. Jones via Hilpert, who says it is unclear if the first part is an intact Compendium. | 1461 | ||||
GB | Cambridge, Christ's College | 5 (F I 7) | 2-6 | lat | codex | XIII century | 1250 | |||
GB | Cambridge, Corpus Christi College | Details | 29 | iii-viii | lat | codex | XIII century, early. Discussed in detail by Worm, Ista, page 129 and note 15. Fully digitized, but high-resolution view "available to subscribed users only" through participating libraries. | 1225 | ||
GB | Cambridge, Corpus Christi College | Details | 83 (E I) | 2r-7v | IP | lat | codex | XIII century. Discussed in detail by Monroe, who says its text is the interpolated type. Fully digitized, but high-resolution view "available to subscribed users only" through participating libraries. See Moore, 101 | 1250 | |
GB | Cambridge, Corpus Christi College | Details | 313 | 35v | lat | fragment | XII-XIII century. Fully digitized, but high-resolution view "available to subscribed users only" through participating libraries. Described by James as "a scribbled diagram of the genealogy." | 1200 | ||
GB | Cambridge, Corpus Christi College | 437 (I 15) | 1-7 | lat | codex | XIII century | 1250 | |||
GB | Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum | 253 | 7v- | lat | XIII century, says Cahn | 1250 | ||||
GB | Cambridge, University Library | Catalog | Dd. 1. 16 | 1ra-6rb | lat | codex | XIII century. See Moore, 103. | 1250 | ||
GB | Cambridge, University Library | Catalog | Dd. 3. 55 | lat | roll | XV century | 1450 | |||
GB | Cambridge, University Library | Catalog | Dd. 3. 56 | lat | roll | XV century. Jones via Hilpert. | 1450 | |||
GB | Cambridge, University Library | Catalog | Dd. 8. 12 | lat | XIII century | 1250 | ||||
GB | Cambridge, University Library | Catalog | Ff. III. 7 | 4-11 | lat | codex | XIV century. See Moore, 105. | 1350 | ||
GB | Edinburgh, University Library | 18 (Db. 1. 5) | 1r-5r | lat | codex | XIII century. Alidori: solo iniziali filigranate. See Moore, 103. | 1250 | |||
GB | Eton, College Library | Catalog | 96 | UC | lat | XIII century; a universal chronicle with a great deal of additional material up to 1240 CE, according to both Moore and Monroe. Pre 1254, says Hilpert | 1250 | |||
GB | Liverpool, National Museum and Galleries on Merseyside | Mayer 12017 | lat | roll | XV century mid. Hilpert has classmark Ms. 12012, not -17 | |||||
GB | London, British Library | Catalog | Add MS 11758 | English | lat | roll | XIV century early; incompiuto | 1310 | ||
GB | London, British Library | Catalog | Add MS 14819 | English | lat | roll | XIV century early. See Moore, 105. Briefly discussed by Scott. | 1310 | ||
GB | London, British Library | Catalog | Add MS 21219 | English | lat | roll | XV century; only listed via Jones by Hilpert who calls it an unclear case, saying it begins as the Compendium but seems to proceed into a text compiled from various sources. | 1310 | ||
GB | London, British Library | Catalog | Add MS 24025 | English | lat | roll | XIII century. See Moore, 103. Briefly discussed by Scott. | 1250 | ||
GB | London, British Library | Catalog | Add MS 30509 | eng | roll | XV century | 1450 | |||
GB | London, British Library | Catalog | Add MS 41600 | 84r- | Italian | lat | 1453 | 1453 | ||
GB | London, British Library | Catalog | Add MS 60628 | English | lat | roll | XIII century, disegni. Hilpert refers to British Library Journal 7: 190 (1981) (pdf) which says it was formerly in library of Bristol Baptist College. Cahn: ca. 1250-60 | 1250 | ||
GB | London, British Library | Catalog | Add MS 61725 | English(?) | lat | fragment | XIII century | 1250 | ||
GB | London, British Library | Catalog | Cotton MS Faustina B VII | 41-71 | UC | lat | XIII century; a universal chronicle according to Alidori and Monroe (who says the last entry dates to 1214); Hilpert cites Morgan 1982, 91-2; Embree entitles it Chronicon Sacrum ab Orbe Condito. | 1250 | ||
GB | London, British Library | Catalog | Cotton MS Otho D I | codex | XV century. Highly doubtful. Only mentioned by Hilpert, who calls it an unclear instance. | 1450 | ||||
GB | London, British Library | Catalog | Cotton MS Tiberius D III | codex | XV century. Only mentioned by Scott: correct the catalog reference! | 1450 | ||||
GB | London, British Library | Catalog | Cotton MS Vitellius C III | 1r-6r | lat | codex | XIII century. See Moore, 103. Hilpert gives folios as 5-10 olim 1-6. | 1250 | ||
GB | London, British Library | Cotton Roll XV 4 | lat | roll | XIV century. Only known from Jones via Hilpert. Not found in catalog. | 1350 | ||||
GB | London, British Library | Details | Harley MS 627 | 1v- | lat | codex | XIII century. Two images online. | 1250 | ||
GB | London, British Library | Details | Harley MS 658 | 33-38v | lat | codex | XIII century. Three images online, Catalog. | 1250 | ||
GB | London, British Library | Details | Harley Roll C.9 | lat | roll | XV century. Introduced by Scott and Hilpert. Scott has an image from it (Fig. 74). Online catalog unfound. | 1450 | |||
GB | London, British Library | Catalog | Kings MS 395 | UC | eng | roll | To Edward VI. Old Catalog. Consyderyng the lengh and the hardnes off holy scrypture and namely off the grownde off the letter historial ... Iaphet �t was sunne to Noe gatte Ianan, Ianan gatte Sethum, Sethus gatte Siprius and so forth. In thys lyne we wyll speke off Iaphet and off hys succescion, for off hym cum kynges off Brytan �t nowe ys callyd Englond. | 1540 | ||
GB | London, British Library | Details | Lansdowne MS 456 | UC | lat | codex | XV century. Catalog. Only known from Scott text and note 334. Continues to Edward IV. | 1450 | ||
GB | London, British Library | Lansdowne Roll 1 | lat | roll | XIV century. Only known from Hilpert. Not found in catalog. | 1350 | ||||
GB | London, British Library | Details | Royal MS 1 B X | 8-33v | IP | lat | codex | XV century, second quarter; interpolated recension. Other images. See Moore, 102. Preface to a bible. Catalog. New Catalog. Redated from XIV to XV century in a detailed discussion by Kathleen Scott in her 2007 book, q.v. | 1430 | |
GB | London, British Library | Catalog | Royal MS 4 B VII | 194r-199r | UC | lat | codex | XIII century. See Moore, 103. Detailed description in the catalog, part 4, indicating it contains popes, Norman and English history. Hilpert says it comes from Rochester. | 1250 | |
GB | London, British Library | Catalog | Royal MS 4 D VII | XIII century; from Embree. Petrus Comestor Historia Scholastica: the catalog makes no mention of anything resembling the Compendium and the images with the old catalog do not show it either. Perhaps an error for 4 B VII | 1250 | |||||
GB | London, British Library | Catalog | Royal MS 8 C IX | 3-18 | lat | codex | XIII century. See Moore, 101 and 112 where he says the codex also contains a chronicle to 1458 CE. New Catalog. Hilpert says it comes from Reading. | 1250 | ||
GB | London, British Library | Details | Royal MS 14 B IX | English | lat | roll | XIV century. Multiple images, but no complete pages online. Old Catalog. New Catalog. | 1350 | ||
GB | London, British Library | Catalog | Stowe MS 5 | lat | codex | XIII century, first half. Old Catalog with images. | 1250 | |||
GB | London, Gray's Inn | MS 9 | lat | Only known from Scott in text between note 349 and 350 (I don't have the page). | ||||||
GB | London, Lambeth Palace | Catalog | MS 499 | 5b- | lat | codex | XIII century. Known from Scott, note 336, reference to folio 10v. | 1250 | ||
GB | Manchester, John Rylands Library | Catalog | Ms. 72 | Italian? | lat | roll | XIII-XIV century (Cahn). | 1250 | ||
GB | Oxford, Bodleian Library | Details hi-res | Ashmole 1524 | 1-7 | English | lat | codex | XIII century | 1250 | |
GB | Oxford, Bodleian Library | Auctarium D 4, 10 | 586-593 | English | lat | codex | XIII century third quarter. Shelfmark in Stegm�ller: SC 3562. Hilpert says it comes from Reading. | 1260 | ||
GB | Oxford, Bodleian Library | Details hi-res | Barlow 53 (R) | English | eng | circa 1420-1430 | 1425 | |||
GB | Oxford, Bodleian Library | Bodley 164 | 3-8 | lat | codex | XIII century. See Moore, 103. Hilpert adds shelfmark S.C. 2018, gives folios iv-x. | 1250 | |||
GB | Oxford, Bodleian Library | Bodley Rolls 12 | 7-58 | lat | codex | XIV century mid. Hilpert only. He adds shelfmark S.C. 8850. Ref. de la Mare 1971, 214 | 1350 | |||
GB | Oxford, Bodleian Library | Fairfax 13 | 1-6 | English | lat | XIII century mid. Shelfmark in Stegm�ller: S.C. 3893 | 1250 | |||
GB | Oxford, Bodleian Library | Details hi-res | Lat. th. b. 1 (R) | English | lat | roll | XIII century mid. Hilpert adds mark S.C. 30857. See also P�cht and Alexander 1973: 249. | 1250 | ||
GB | Oxford, Bodleian Library | Laud. Misc. 150 | lat | |||||||
GB | Oxford, Bodleian Library | Laud. Misc. 151 | 1-7 | English | lat | codex | XIII century second quarter. See Moore, 103. Hilpert adds S.C. 764. Hilpert: ff 1-6. | 1240 | ||
GB | Oxford, Bodleian Library | Laud. Misc. 270 | 1r-6v | English | lat | codex | XIII century second quarter. See Moore, 103. Hilpert: mark S.C. 1021 | 1240 | ||
GB | Oxford, Bodleian Library | Laud. Misc. 437 | lat | |||||||
GB | Oxford, Bodleian Library | Lyell 70 | lat | XII century: see Luna for other pages from manuscript. | 1190 | |||||
GB | Oxford, Bodleian Library | Details hi-res | Lyell 71 | 17v-24r | lat | codex | circa 1300 | 1300 | ||
GB | Oxford, Bodleian Library | Details hi-res | Rawlinson C. 563 | 1r-26v | English | lat | codex | circa 1300 | 1300 | |
GB | Oxford, St. John's College | 23 | 1-12 | UC | lat | XV century. Universal chronicle | 1450 | |||
GB | Oxford, St. John's College | 58 | 3ra-9va | lat | codex | XV century | 1450 | |||
GB | Salisbury, Cathedral | Catalog | 60 | 151-155 | lat | codex | XIII century. Not online. Also in Hilpert. | 1250 | ||
GB | Worcester, Cathedral Library | 342 | lat | Lost? See online lead from catalog | ||||||
GB | York, Minster | Additional 256 | lat | XIV century | 1350 | |||||
HU | Budapest, National Museum | 127 | 396v-442v | lat | codex | |||||
HU | Budapest, National Museum | 237 | 1v- | lat | XIV century. See Moore, 102. | 1350 | ||||
IT | Assisi, Chiesa Nuova | 28 | Italian (Umbria) | lat | XIII century first half | 1225 | ||||
IT | Bologna, Biblioteca Universitaria | Ms. 1761 | 11r- | Italian (Northern?) | lat | XIV century | 1350 | |||
IT | Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana | Acq. e Doni 779 | lat | roll | XV century | 1450 | ||||
IT | Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana | Digitized | Plut. 15.11 | 5v-11r | French | lat | codex | XIII century | 1250 | |
IT | Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana | Digitized | Plut. 20.56 | 1r-5v | lat | codex | XV century | 1450 | ||
IT | Napoli, Biblioteca Nazionale | VII C 3 | 1-5 | French | lat | codex | XIII century, second half. Cahn has VIII C 3 | 1260 | ||
IT | Napoli, Biblioteca Nazionale | VIII C 6 | 1-5 | lat | codex | Only listed in Stegm�ller: possibly an error for the codex above. | ||||
IT | Pisa, Deposito della Soprintendenza | lat | roll | XIII century | 1250 | |||||
IT | Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense | Details | 4254 | lat | roll | XIII century. See Moore, 101. Published as printed facsimile with transcript, website has low-res images. | 1250 | |||
IT | Roma, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II | Catalog | Sessoriano 160 | lat | roll | XIII century, the catalog contains a partial transcription. Cahn estimates XIV century. | 1250 | |||
IT | Vercelli, Biblioteca Capitolare | fondo pergamene | lat | roll | XIII, mid decades, personal information from Jennifer Shurville | 1250 | ||||
IT | Vicenza, Biblioteca Civica Bertoliana | Ms. 343 | lat | roll | XIII century, end (Cahn) | 1290 | ||||
NL | Den Haag, Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum | Details | 10 A 15 | 2r-16r | lat | codex | 1450-55. See Embree. Library. Search Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections by entering the shelfmark 10 A 15. Two images in medium resolution. | 1450 | ||
NL | Den Haag, Koninklijke Bibliotheek | Details | 72 A 11 (697) | 1-21 | French | lat | codex | XV century. Only listed by Stegm�ller. Search Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections by entering the shelfmark 72 A 11. One image in high resolution. | 1450 | |
NL | 's-Heerenberg, Huis Bergh | Catalog | fr. 23 (inv. no. 214) | English (south) | lat | roll | 1280 circa | 1280 | ||
NL | Leiden, Universiteit | Details | VLF 4 | 34-37 | French (north) | lat | codex | XIII century, second half. Catalog | 1275 | |
NL | Utrecht, Universiteit | Catalog | 261 (3.C.15) | 142-149 | lat | XV century early. See Moore, 107. Additional MMDC catalog entry. | 1420 | |||
PL | Gdansk, Marienbibliothek | F 213 | 267-272 | lat | codex | |||||
PL | Wroclaw, Biblioteka Uniwersytecksa | Catalog | I F 102 (ms. 107) | 228-233 | lat | codex | ||||
PL | Wroclaw, Biblioteka Uniwersytecksa | Catalog | I F 103 (ms. 108) | 209-214 | German (Breslau) | lat | codex | XIV century first half | 1325 | |
SE | Uppsala, Universitetsbiblioteket | Catalog | C 129 | 2-7 | lat | codex | XIII century | 1250 | ||
SE | Str�ngn�s, Domkyrkobiblioteket | Catalog | F 20 | 1-12 | lat | codex | XIV century. Only listed in Stegm�ller. Catalog (Aminson, Henrik. Bibliotheca Templi Cathedralis Strengnesensis) (also online at Medeltids Handskrifter) cites the incipit on the second folio: Adam in agro Damasceno formatus est in paradisum .... This resembles the text in HAB 305 Blankenburg, but also recalls the UC, Summa de etatibus, of John of Udine, which Moore says regularly begins: Adam primus homo in agro Damasceno fuit a Deo formatus et in paradisum deliciarum translatus .... | 1350 | ||
SK | Bratislava, Kapitulsk� Kniznica | 86 [84] | XIV century; see Embree note. | 1350 | ||||||
US | Baltimore, Walters Art Museum | Digitized | W 796 | 1r-4r | English | lat | codex | XIII century early | 1210 | |
US | Chicago, Newberry Library | Ms 29 (66-1827) | 1v- | Italian | lat | codex | XIV century, second half. Cahn: "Drawing (of menora?) added in the 17th or 18th century." Printed Catalog. | 1375 | ||
US | Cambridge, Harvard College Library | Ms Typ 140 | lat | roll | ? MS Typ 140 is not a roll. Alidori has bMs Typ 140. Bibliography. Perhaps she meant MS Typ 0040 which is a quasi-roll and has a biblical genealogy on f. 15, or MS Typ 0041, which is a universal chronicle in roll form. Embree has no listing. | |||||
US | Cambridge, Harvard College Library | Digitized | Ms Typ 216 | French | lat | roll | Bibliography, Record. Discussed by Monroe, who regards it as French. Hilpert speculates on its sale history. Not mentioned in Moore. | 1210 | ||
US | Cleveland, Museum of Art | Catalog | CMA 1973.5 | English | lat | roll | circa 1220: Monroe calls the text "a standard uninterpolated Compendium manuscript". Thumbnails. | 1220 | ||
US | Lawrence, University of Kansas, Kenneth Spencer Research Library | Digitized | MS 9/2:29 | 1r-2r | French | lat | codex | XIII/XIV century; incomplete. With a stemma of the Old Testament on 2v. Library. | 1300 | |
US | New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library | Digitized | Marston Ms. 26 | 1r-5v | French | lat | codex | XIII century second quarter, Catalog | 1240 | |
US | New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library | Catalog | Marston Ms. 220 | lat | codex | XIII century; listed by both Alidori and Embree, but catalog description does not mention Compendium | 1250 | |||
US | New York, formerly Collection of the late Robert S. Pirie | no mark | English | lat | roll | Sold at Sotheby's, New York in December 2015 for $250,000. One image on the site. Beginning and end of roll are missing. Dated to second quarter of 13C. | 1240 | |||
US | New York, Metropolitan Museum | Low res | 2002.433 | English | lat | roll | Circa 1230: only half the roll remains. Website image is entire but illegible. | 1230 | ||
US | New York, Pierpont Morgan Library | Details | M.367 | French (Picardy?) | lat/fra | roll | XIII century late. Catalog. | 1280 | ||
US | New York, Pierpont Morgan Library | Details | M.628 | English | lat | roll | XIII century second half; condensed, irregular. Catalog | 1275 | ||
US | New York, Pierpont Morgan Library | Details | M.689 | Italian (Lombardy) | lat | roll | XIV century; forse Lombardia. Catalog | 1350 | ||
US | New York, Pierpont Morgan Library | Details | M.751 | French (Amiens) | lat | XIV century early; abridged with preface only. Catalog | 1310 | |||
US | Philadelphia, Free Library, Rare Book Department | Digitized | Lewis 72 | French | lat | roll | XIV century second quarter; Alidori gives an inexplicable shelf mark "181" (a fragment at T81 perhaps?) | 1340 | ||
US | Philadelphia, Free Library, Rare Book Department | Digitized | Lewis E 249 a,b | English | lat | roll | XIII century last quarter | 1290 | ||
US | Philadelphia, Free Library, Rare Book Department | Digitized | Lewis E 202 | English | lat | roll | XIV century | 1490 | ||
VA | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Barb. Lat. 9925 | UC | lat | roll | XIII century end. Library. Discussed by Fossier as universal chronicle. | 1290 | |||
VA | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Digitized | Pal. lat. 963 | 2v-6r | German | lat | codex | XV century. Catalog | 1450 | |
VA | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Digitized | Pal. Lat. 1723 | 2r-7r | Italian | lat | codex | XIII cent, first half. Description | 1225 | |
VA | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Digitized | Vat. lat. 1972 | 181r-186R | lat | codex | Catalog indicates 12th century or later | 1220 | ||
VA | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Digitized | Vat. lat. 3782 | lat | roll | XIII century end. Library | 1290 | |||
VA | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Digitized | Vat. lat. 3783 | lat | roll | XIV century. Library. See Moore, 105. | 1350 | |||
VA | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Vat. lat. 13015 | lat | roll | XIII century end. Library | 1290 | ||||
XX | location unknown | Italy | lat | roll | XIV century. Owned by Corradus Mondone of Asti (-1474). Sale by Les Enluminures, see image. | 1390 | ||||
XX | Baltimore, Walters Art Museum | W 404 or W 80 | roll | Now in FR, Biblioth�que Sainte-Genevi�ve (see above) | 1310 | |||||
XX | Berlin, Staatsbibliothek | Digitized | Ms. germ. fol. 947 | UC | codex | von Utino, Johannes: Chronica de aetate mundi. Stork: Ein weiterer Berliner Pictaviensis-Codex weist am Schluss einige leere Medaillons auf und ist somit auf Nachtr�ge angelegt. Siehe Verfasserlexikon, Ott, Johannes de Utino, Spalte 788 | ||||
XX | Frankfurt am Main, Stadt- und Universit�tsbibliothek | Digitized | Ms. Barth. 56 | French(?) | lat | XIII century first half. From Alidori. Catalog silent about Compendium. This seems to only contain Petrus Comestor's Historia Scholastica. | 1225 | |||
XX | Frankfurt am Main, Stadt- und Universit�tsbibliothek | Digitized | Ms. Barth. 109 | lat | XIV century, mid. From Alidori. Catalog. This seems to only contain Petrus Comestor's Historia Scholastica, not the Compendium. | 1350 | ||||
XX | Halle, Universit�ts- und Landesbibliothek | 12 B 14 | Dutch | lat | codex | Now in DE, Leipzig (see above) | 1325 | |||
XX | Hamburg, Staats- und Universit�tsbibliothek | Petri 5 | lat | codex | XIII century, Pergament - II + 230 Bl. - 23,5 x 18,0. Alidori. At 198v-226v is the Hystoria actuum of Petrus, but without the Compendium. Future access? | 1250 | ||||
XX | Heidelberg, Universit�tsbibliothek | Digitized | Cod. Pal. germ. 110 | 1v- | German | lat | codex | XV century, end. See Catalog, doubtful instance, as this seems to be a different roundel/connector stemma; termed the Mischgedicht by Graf, quoting Kornrumpf | 1500 | |
XX | London, British Library | Catalog | Royal MS 14 B VIII | UC | lat | roll | XV century. See Moore 112, where he categorizes this as a universal chronicle. Hilpert says classification as the Compendium is irrt�mlich. | 1450 | ||
XX | Milano, Biblioteca Trivulziana | Triv. 489 | UC | lat | roll | XIII century; Alidori calls this a universal chronicle from Adam to 1250. Klapisch-Zuber (p. 372, note 43) also terms this a universal chronicle that "assimilates" the techniques of the Compendium. | 1250 | |||
XX | Oxford, Bodleian Library | Bodley 302 | 7-58 | lat | codex | XIV century. Shelfmark in Stegm�ller: SC 2086. Excluded by Hilpert: enth�lt eine Mischfassung mit Bestandteilen des Compendium und der Historia scholastica. | 1350 | |||
XX | St Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek | Digitized | VadSlg Ms. 1000 | UC | lat | roll | 14th century, second half. Johannes de Utino: Compilatio nova super tota biblia | 1375 | ||
XX | Praha, N�rodn� Knihovna | Digitized | IV.D.17 (Lat. 671) | 84ra-155ra | UC | lat | codex | XIV century last third. This is only the text of the Historia biblica and there are no graphics! (Catalog search: seek "IV.D.17"). Link to first page. See Moore, 112, note 27, quoting a different incipit from the Compendium, describing this as like Munich clm 3537, and giving a date of 1385. | 1385 | |
XX | Weimar, Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek | Fol 439a (16,1) | fragment | XIV century; listed by Embree, but catalog describes this fragment as coming from the Historia Actuum apostolorum. | 1350 |
Rows above with a gold background can be read online in their entirety: about twenty such manuscripts have been located in high resolution. "Details" on a gold background means only parts of the document are shown online though this is enough to sample the layout and style, and often the resolution of those images is adequate to read the script. "Catalog" means that there is nothing online beyond the linked catalog entry. The text itself has appeared four times in print.
An online interlinear comparison of these four transcriptions would be highly useful. There is also a partial transcription of the initial section of the Compendium text online at the site of the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II in Rome (see the link above).
The Library of Latin Diagrams
by Jean-Baptiste
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