This table indexes stemmata or tree-form images which have been published in books or online. The numbers with the sources are plate numbers, or where there are no plate numbers, page numbers. The order is that of approximate date. The principal sources to be indexed are appended below.
Standard Description | Date | Reprint | Book Author | Document or Book | Artist | ms Location | Collection | Reference | Art | Orientation |
Divisio Scientiarum I | 1050() | Murdoch 28 | Oxford | |||||||
La descendance de No� | 1060 (troisi�me quart du XIe si�cle) | Ombre 10 | Beatus of Liebana | Commentary on Apocalypse | Saint Sever illustrator | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | lat. 8878, f' 6v-7r | ||
Les M�rovingiens | 1060-1075 | Ombre 12 | (Saint-Aubin d'Angers) | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | lat. 4955, f' 101 | ||||
Arbor consanguinatis | 1100() | Isidore of Seville | Etymologiae | Bourgogne miniaturist | cellular | |||||
Arbor bona, arbor mala | 1120 (circa) | Arbre 122-123 Ombre 5 | Lambert de Saint-Omer | Liber floridus | Lambert de Saint Omer | Ghent | Biblioth�que de l'Universit� | Ms. 92 f� CLXIv�-CLXIIr� | medallion | right/left roots |
Descent tree: Conrad and the .... | 1120() | Arbre 87 | Ekkehard of Aura | Chronica | Frutolf | Berlin | Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Handschriftenabteilung, Berlin | Cod. lat. fol. 295, f� 81 r� | medallion | top root |
Descent tree: Arnulf and the Carolingians | 1125 (before) | Ombre 14 | Ekkehard of Aura | Chronica | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | lat. 4889, f� 194 | |||
Timeline: Ancestry of Christ | 1125() | Arbre 48 | Winchcombe Psalter | English monk | Dublin | Trinity College Library | ms. 53, f� 7v� | timeline | bottom root | |
Tree of Boaz | 1140() | Arbre 43 Ombre 7 | Speculum virginum | Herrade von Landsberg | London | British Library | Arundel 44, f� 2v | medallion | bottom root | |
Arbor virtutum, arbor vitiorum | 1140() | Arbre 74-75 Ombre 6 | Speculum virginum | Herrade von Landsberg | London | British Library | Arundel 44, f� 28v - 29r | medallion | bottom root | |
Les h�ritiers d'Hildebrand (San Salvatore all'Isola) | 1144 (after) | Ombre 13 | Siena | Archivio di Stato, Diplomatico Sant'Eugenio | ||||||
Arbor iuris | 1150 (XIIe si�cle) | Ombre 4 | Yves de Chartres | Panormia | Munich | clm. 18099, f� 73v | ||||
Wotan and his sons | 1150() | Arbre 81 | Lives of the Saints | English miniaturist | London | British Library | Cott. Calig. A. VIII, f� 29 r� | ensemble | centre root | |
Divisio Scientiarum II | 1150() | Murdoch 29 | London | British Library | ||||||
Divisio Scientiarum IV | 1150() | Murdoch 31 | Oxford | |||||||
Arbor actionum | 1160() | John Bassian | cellular | |||||||
Tree of Salvation | 1163() | Arbre 114-115,120 | Otranto Cathedral, mosaic | Otranto mosaicist | Otranto | Cathedral | medallion | bottom root | ||
La descendance d'Adam jusqu'� Woden | 1166 (circa) | Ombre 11 | Durham | Cathedral | ms. B.IL35, f� 140 | |||||
Arbre de Thara (Saint-Emmeram de Ratisbonne | 1170-1185() | Ombre 8 | Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | clm. 14159, f� 188 | |||||
Breath of Wotan | 1185() | Arbre 40 | Breviarum historiae romanae | Liege | Biblioth�que universitaire, Liege | ms. 369, f� 88 v� | ensemble | centre root | ||
Descent tree: Welf | 1185() | Arbre 66 Ombre 17 | Historia Welforum | Weingarten miniaturist | Fulda | Hessische Landesbibliothek | D.11, f� 13v | medallion | bottom root | |
Ancestry tree: Christ | 1190() | Ombre 19 | Peter of Poitiers | Compendium historiae in genealogia Christi | Peter of Poitiers | Cambridge (Mass.) | Harvard University, Houghton Library | Typ 216H | medallion | top root |
Ancestors of Joseph | 1190() | Arbre 19 | Foigny Bible | Abbey of Foigny miniaturist | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | lat. 15177, f� 11 | medallion | top/bottom root | |
Wotan's Descent from Adam | 1190() | Arbre 23 | Imago Mundi | Bishop of Durham miniaturist | Cambridge | Corpus Christi College | ms. 66, f� 67 | cellular | top root | |
Arbor consanguinatis | 1190() | Arbre 47 | Decretum | Amiens | Bibilioth�que municipale | ms. 354, f� 256v� | cellular | centre root | ||
Arbor consanguinatis | 1190() | Arbre 62 | Foigny Bible | Foigny miniaturist | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | lat. 15177, f� 2 | cellular | centre root | |
Descent tree: Arnulf and the Carolingians | 1190() | Arbre 65 Ombre 15 | Ekkehard of Aura | Chronica | German miniaturist | Erlangen | Universitatsbibliothek | ms. 406, f� 204v | medallion | bottom root |
Ancestry Tree: Christ | 1194() | Arbre 36-37, 56 | Evangeliar, Heinrich des L�wen | Helmarshausen miniaturist | Wolfenb�ttel | Herzog-August-Bibliothek | Cod. Guelf. 105 Noviss. 2�, f� 67v� | medallion | bottom root | |
Les M�rovingiens de M�rov�e � Clovis | 1210 (d�but du XIIIe si�cle) | Ombre 22 | Gilles de Paris | Karolinus (Paris) | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | lat. 6191, f� 47r | |||
La rota du sept�naire | 1210 (d�but du XIIIe si�cle) | Ombre 18 | Peter of Poitiers | Compendium | Peter of Poitiers | Cambridge (Mass.) | Harvard University, Houghton Library | Typ. 584 | ||
Tree of history | 1210() | Arbre 73 | Joachim of Fiore | Liber figurarum | Joachim of Fiore | Oxford | Corpus Christi College | 255A, f� 10 | medallion | bottom root |
Tree of three eras | 1210() | Arbre 76 Ombre 29 | Joachim of Fiore | Liber figurarum | Joachim of Fiore | Oxford | Corpus Christi College | 255A, f� 12 v | medallion | bottom root |
Arbor consanguinatis (Jesse) | 1220() | Arbre 141 | Fuero Juzgo | Spanish miniaturist | Madrid | National Library | Vitr. 17.10, f�3 | cellular | bottom root | |
Les rois d'Angleterre de Henri Ier � Henri III | 1250 (about) | Ombre 26 | Rouleau | Princeton | Princeton University Library, Manuscripts Division | Princeton medieval ms. 57 | ||||
Descent Tree: Ludolf | 1250() | Arbre 24 | Chronica regia Coloniensis | Cologne miniaturist | Wolfenb�ttel | Herzog-August-Bibliothek | Cod. Guelf 74.3 Aug 2 | medallion | top root | |
Parts and Practice of Medicine | 1250() | Murdoch 36 | Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | clm | |||||
Papes, empereurs et rois | 1272-1274() | Ombre 21 | Girard d'Anvers | Abbreviatio figuralis historie | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | lat. 4910, f� 16v-17r | |||
Tree of Jesse | 1280() | Arbre 88 and 89 | Windmill Psalter | London miniaturist | New York | Pierpont Morgan Library | M 102, f� 1 v� | ensemble | bottom root | |
Les M�rovingiens de Dagobert II � Thierry II | 1285 (about) | Ombre 23 | Guillaume de Nangis | Chronique abr�g�e | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | lat. 6184, f� 8 | |||
Tree of wisdom | 1290() | Arbre 128 | Le Verger de Soulas | Franciscan illustrator | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | MS fr. 9220, fol. 10r | medallion | centre root | |
Tree of vices | 1290() | Arbre 129 | Le Verger de Soulas | Franciscan illustrator | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | MS fr. 9220, fol. 10r | medallion | centre root | |
Les Carolingiens apr�s Charles le Chauve | 1317() | Ombre 24 | Yves de saint-Denis | Vie et miracles de saint Denis | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | lat. 13836, f� 56 | |||
Ancestry Tree: Hugo Capet | 1317() | Arbre 20 | Vie ... de Saint Denis | Yves de Saint Denis | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | lat. 13836 | medallion | bottom root | |
Dagobert III et les anc�tres des Carolingiens | 1320 (premier tiers du XIVe si�cle) | Ombre 25 | Bernard Gui | Arbre de la g�n�alogie des rois des Francs | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | lat. 4989, f� 255v | |||
Trees of virtues and vices | 1325() | Arbre 132-133 | Electorium magnum | Thomas Le My�sier | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | lat. 15450, f� 457-458 | medallion | bottom root | |
Ancestry Tree: Nemanjic | 1346() | Arbre 175 | Exonarthex fresco, Visoki Decani, Kosovo | Serbian frescoist | Decani, Kosovo | medallion | bottom root | |||
Arbor consanguinatus | 1350() | Arbre 107 | Decretalium | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | Ms. lat. 4000, f�186, v� | cellular | top root | ||
Ancestry Tree: Norman Kings | 1350() | Arbre 137 | Arbor genealogiae regum francorum | Bernard Gui | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | lat. 4989, f� 90 v� | medallion | top root | |
Lignum vitae | 1350() | Arbre 148 | Refectory of Santa Croce | Taddeo Gaddi | Florence | Museum Opera di Santa Croce | medallion | bottom root | ||
Arbor consanguinatis | 1350() | Arbre 44 | Liber sextus decretalium | Nicolas von Bologna | Salzburg | Bibliothek des Stifts St Peter | cod. A XII 10, f� 118v� | cellular | centre root | |
Descent Tree: Saturn | 1350() | Arbre 59 | Genealogiae decorum | Boccaccio | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | lat. 7877, f� 88v� | medallion | top root | |
Divisio Scientiarum III | 1350() | Murdoch 30 | Cassiodorus | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | |||||
Kinship of Pagan Gods | 1350() | Murdoch 41 | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | ||||||
Arbre de consanguinit� | 1354() | Ombre 30 | Bologne | Nicolas de Bologne | Salzburg | Erzabtei S. Peter | Ms. a XII, 10, f� 118r | |||
Parent� du Christ, papes et empereurs | 1380 (about) | Ombre 20 | Jean d'Udine | Summa de aetatibus (d�tail de la fin du rouleau) | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | lat. n.a. 2577 | |||
Descendance de Saturne | 1388 (before) | Ombre 33 | Boccace | Genealogiae deorum (Italy) | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | lat. 7877, f� 88v | |||
Arbre de consanguinit� | 1390 (fin du XIVe si�cle() | Ombre 31 | Allemagne | Innsbr�ck | Universit�ts-Bibliothek | Cod. 590, f� 116r | ||||
Virtues, Vices and the Sciences | 1400??() | Murdoch 34 | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | ||||||
Knowledge and Ages of Man | 1400??() | Murdoch 42 | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | ||||||
Tree of Porphyry | 1400??() | Murdoch 43 | London | British Library | ||||||
G�n�alogie des Visconti | 1402() | Ombre 34 | Pietro da Castelletto: �loge de Giangaleazzo Visconti (Milan) | Michelino da Besozzo | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | lat. 5888, f� 12v | |||
Visconti Genealogy | 1402() | Arbre 144-145 | Eulogy to Giangaleazzo Visconti | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | lat. 5888, f� 7 and 12v� | timeline | |||
Tree of urine | 1420() | Arbre 131 | Wellcome Apocalypse | Thuringian artist | London | Wellcome Institute Library | Ms 49, f� 42 | medallion | bottom root | |
Tree of Descent: Dominic | 1425() | Arbre 152-153 | Fra Angelico | Florence | Mus�e di San Marco | ensemble | centre root | |||
G�n�alogie des rois de France et d'Angleterre | 1445() | Ombre 35 | London | British Museum | Royal 15.E.VI, f� 3 | |||||
L'Arbre des batailles | 1450 (XVe si�cle) | Ombre 27 | Honor� Bonet | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | fr. 1266, f� 5 (6) | ||||
L'arbre des batailles | 1450() | Arbre 126 | L'arbre des batailles, Honor� Bonet | Chantilly miniaturist | Chantilly | Mus�e Cond� | Ms. 346/1561, f� 10v� | ensemble | bottom root | |
Descent tree: Chilperic | 1450() | Arbre 138-139 | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | fr. 4991, f� 10 v�-11r� | medallion | left root | |||
Tree of Jesse | 1450() | Arbre 97 | Atelier of Brailes:Psalter | Brailes miniaturist | Oxford | New College | 322, f� 7 | ensemble | bottom root | |
Divisio Scientiarum V | 1450() | Murdoch 32 | Basle | |||||||
Arbor Prophetarum | 1450() | Murdoch 40 | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | ||||||
Arbre des degr�s des lignes | 1469() | Ombre 32 | Jean Boutillier | Somme rurale (Bruges) | Guillaume Vrelant | Berlin | Kupferstichkabinett | Min. 15349 | ||
Arbor juris | 1469() | Arbre 142 | Jean Boutillier: Somme rurale | Guillaume Vrelant | Paris | Cabinet des dessins, Mus�e de Louvre | R.F. 1698 | medallion | top root | |
Arbre des degr�s des lignes | 1470 (about) | Ombre Cover | Jean Boutillier: Somme rurale (Bruges) | Loyset Li�det | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | fr. 202, f� 9 | |||
Arbor juris | 1471() | Arbre 104 | Loyset Li�det | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | Ms. fr. 202, f� 15v� | ensemble | bottom root | ||
Tree of Franciscans | 1471() | Arbre 159 | Basilica San Francesco, Assisi | Flemish weaver | Assisi | Basilica San Francesco | ensemble | centre root | ||
Arbre dominicain | 1473() | Ombre 37 | (Basle or Strasbourg) | Vienne | Albertina | |||||
La descendance d'Isaac | 1474() | Ombre 38 | Werner Rolevinck | Fasciculus temporum Cologne, Arnold Ther Hoernen | f� 5v | |||||
Tree of Jesse | 1481() | Arbre 51 | Berthold Furtmeyr | Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | clm 15711, f� 31v� | ensemble | bottom root | ||
Arbre des Babenberg | 1489-1493() | Ombre 40 | Klosterneuburg (Autriche). | Hans Part | ||||||
Descent tree: Babenberg | 1489() | Arbre 167, 168-169 | Triptychon, Klosterneuberg | Hans Part | Klosterneuberg, Austria | ensemble | bottom root | |||
Les femmes des Babenberg | 1490 (after) | Ombre 41 | D�tail d'un volet lat�ral, Klosterneuburg (Autriche). | |||||||
Rosier de saint Francois | 1490(fin du XVe si�cle) | Ombre 36 | Tournai | Mus�e des Beaux-Arts | ||||||
G�n�alogie de Maximilien Ier | 1490?() | Ombre 42 | Munich | Bayerisches National Museum | Inv. 1002 | |||||
Descent tree: Babenberg | 1490() | Arbre 111 | Triptychon, Klosterneuberg | Konrad Doll | Klosterneuberg, Austria | ensemble | bottom root | |||
Descent tree: Anna | 1490() | Arbre 155 | G�rard David | Lyon | Mus�e des Beaux Arts | ensemble | bottom root | |||
Tree of Esmeria | 1490() | Arbre 156 | Das Leben der heiligen Anna | Carmelite artist | Historisches Museum | ensemble | bottom root | |||
Tree of Jesse | 1490() | Arbre 200 | Geertgen tot Sint Jans or Jan Mostaert | Amsterdam | Rijksmuseum | ensemble | bottom root | |||
Ancestry tree: Maximilian I | 1490() | Arbre 78-79, 108 | German artist | Munich | Bayerisches National Museum | NN 1002 | ensemble | bottom root | ||
L'arbre des Babenberg | 1491() | Ombre 1 | Ladislaus Suntheim | Der l�blichen F�rsten und des Lands Oesterrich Altharkommen und Regierung, Basle [Michael Furter] | p. 3 | |||||
G�n�alogie du saint empereur Henri II | 1493() | Ombre 39 | Hartmann Schedel | Das Buch der Chroniken Nuremberg, Anton Koberger | f� CLXXX�-VIv | |||||
La mort de Nadab et Abyu, fils d'Aaron | 1493() | Ombre 46 | Hartmann Schedel | Das Buch der Chroniken Nuremberg, Anton Koberger | f� XXIXv | |||||
G�n�alogie d'Antipater | 1493() | Ombre 47 | Hartmann Schedel | Das Buch der Chroniken Nuremberg, Anton Koberger | f� LXXXIXv- XC | |||||
Descent tree: Charlemagne | 1493() | Arbre 99 | Hartmann Schedel: Weltchronik | Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | f� CLXXXVII | ensemble | bottom root | |
Lign�e de sainte Anne | 1500() | Ombre 45 | G�rard David | Lyon | Mus�e des Beaux-Arts | inv. 89.70 | ||||
1500() | Melville | Augsburg | Universit�tsbibliothek | Ms II (Lat.) 1, fol. 191 (formerly in f�rstl. �ttingen-Wallerstein'sche Bibliothek) | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Auxerre | Biblioth�que Municipale | Ms 145 (l32) | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Berlin | Staatsbibliothek | Mgf 947 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Bern | Burgerbibliothek | Cod. 22 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Budapest | Sz�ch�nyi Nationalbibliothek | Cod. germ. 53 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Budapest | Sz�ch�nyi Nationalbibliothek | clmae 404 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Florence | Biblioteca Laurenziana | Cod. Amiat. III | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Fulda | Landesbibliothek | Cod. D 11 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Gerona | Archivio de la Catedral | Ms 7 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Hamburg | Staats- und Universit�tsbibliothek | Ms Theol. 2029 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Jena | Universit�tsbibliothek | Ms Bos. q. 19 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Milano | Biblioteca Trivulziana | Cod. 489 [scroll] | ||||||
1500() | Melville | M�nchen | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Cod. gall. 13 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | M�nchen | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | clm 215 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | M�nchen | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | clm 314 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | M�nchen | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | clm 721 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | M�nchen | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | clm 5599 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | M�nchen | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | clm 9665 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | M�nchen | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | clm 9711 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | M�nchen | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | clm 10182 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | M�nchen | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | clm 12705 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | M�nchen | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | clm 16223 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | M�nchen | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | clm 22239 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | M�nchen | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | clm 23471 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Paris | Biblioth�que de l'Arsenal | Ms 1234 [scroll] | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Paris | Biblioth�que Nationale | Ms franc. 694 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Paris | Biblioth�que Nationale | Ms franc. 695 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Paris | Biblioth�que Nationale | Ms franc. 4990 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Paris | Biblioth�que Nationale | Ms franc. 4991 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Paris | Biblioth�que Nationale | Ms franc. 5696 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Paris | Biblioth�que Nationale | Ms franc. 5697 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Paris | Biblioth�que Nationale | Ms lat. 2744 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Paris | Biblioth�que Nationale | Ms lat. 4910 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Paris | Biblioth�que Nationale | Ms lat. 4989 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Paris | Biblioth�que Nationale | Ms lat. 6191 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Paris | Biblioth�que Nationale | Ms lat. 8878 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Paris | Biblioth�que Nationale | Ms lat. 14435 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Paris | Biblioth�que Nationale | Ms lat. 16020 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Paris | Biblioth�que Nationale | Ms lat. 17552 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Paris | Biblioth�que Nationale | Ms nouv. acq. lat. 1171 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Paris | Biblioth�que Nationale | Ms nouv. acq. lat. 1811 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Paris | Biblioth�que Nationale | Ms nouv. acq. lat. 2577 [scroll] | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Paris | Biblioth�que Sainte-Genevi�ve | Ms 522 [scroll] | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Paris | Biblioth�que Sainte-Genevi�ve | Ms 523 [scroll] | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Paris | Biblioth�que Sainte-Genevi�ve | Ms 2115 [scroll] | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Rome | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Cod. Ott. lat. 479 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Rome | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Cod. Ott. lat. 2091 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Rome | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Cod. Reg. lat. 339 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Rome | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Cod. Reg. lat. 507 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Rome | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Cod. Reg. lat. 518 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Rome | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Cod. Reg. lat. 711 A | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Rome | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Cod. Reg. lat. 880 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Rome | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Cod. Reg. lat. 947 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Rome | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Cod. Vat. lat. 1960 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Rome | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Cod. Vat. lat. 3783 [scroll] | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Rome | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Cod. Vat. lat. 3839 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Rome | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Cod. Vat. lat. 3840 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Rome | Biblioteca Casanatense | Cod. 1083 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Rome | Biblioteca Casanatense | Cod. 42254 [scroll] | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Schl�gl | Bibliothek des Pr�monstratenserstiftes | Cpl 148 (78) | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Sigmaringen | F�rstl. Hohenzollern'sche Bibliothek | Ms 22 [scroll] | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Stuttgart | Landesbibliothek | Cod. Theol. et Philos. fol. 100 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Torino | Biblioteca Nazionale | Cod. J.I.7 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Toulouse | Biblioth�que Municipale | Ms 450 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Verona | Biblioteca Communale | Cod. 1232-1235 | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Wolfenb�ttel | Herzog-August-Bibliothek | Ms 1. 6. 5. Aug. fol. | ||||||
1500() | Melville | Wolfenb�ttel | Herzog-August-Bibliothek | Ms Helmst. 360 | ||||||
Tree of Jesse | 1501() | Arbre 160 | Dominican Altar | Hans Holbein the elder | Frankfurt am Main | St�delsches Kunstinstitut | ensemble | bottom root | ||
Descent Tree: Bavarus and Norix | 1501() | Arbre 29 | Wittelsbach Family Tree | Nicolas Wurm | Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munchen | medallion | bottom root | |||
Maximilian. Ancestors | 1510() | Arbre 95 | Albrecht Altdorfer circle | Vienna | Staatsarchiv | M. 24 | ensemble | bottom/left root | ||
Arbre des �l�ments | 1515() | Ombre 28 | Ramon Lull | Arbor scientiae | Lyon | f� 1v | ||||
Entrance of Francois I | 1515() | Arbre 165 | Wolfenb�ttel | Herzog-August-Bibliothek | Cod 86.4. Extravagantium | ensemble | bottom root | |||
Ancestry Tree: Medici | 1515() | Arbre 170-171 | Pier Cattacci | Florence | Bibliothea Medicea Laurenziana | Mediceo Palat. 225 | medallion | top root | ||
Baum der St�nde | 1517() | Arbre 203 | Petrarca: Von der Arzney bayder Gl�ck, Augsburg | Hans Weidlitz | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | f� XVII | ensemble | bottom root | |
Apoth�ose de Charles Quint | 1520() | Ombre 43 | Liber trium officio�rum Salomonis | Clara de Keyser | Madrid | Escurial | Vitr. 13, f� 22v | |||
G�n�alogie de l'Infant de Portugal | 1530() | Ombre 44 | Simon Bening | London | British Library | Additional 12531, f� 5 | ||||
Ancestors of Jean of Ghent, Duke of Lancaster | 1530() | Arbre 12-13, 100-101, 110 | Ancestors of Infanta of Portugal | Simon Bening | London | British Library | Add. Ms. 12531, f� 10 | ensemble | ||
Lienzo of Ihuitlan | 1550() | Arbre 176 | Oaxaca | Mixtec artist | New York | Brooklyn Museum of Art | 42.160 | medallion | bottom root | |
Tree of Jesse | 1550() | Arbre 199 | Girolamo Genga | London | National Gallery | ensemble | bottom root | |||
Dichotomy with Figures | 1554() | Murdoch 35 | Nap | |||||||
Arbre des C�sars | 1555() | Ombre 49 | Enea Vico | Primorum XII. Caesarum genealogiarum, stemmatum, consanguinitatum affinitatumque vera delineatio, Venise | ||||||
Arbre g�n�alogique des ducs d'Urbin | 1570() | Ombre 48 | Scipione Ammirato | Alberi genealogici | Florence | Biblioteca Riccardiana | Grandi formati 33, n� 63 | |||
Descent tree: Juan Tepetzin | 1575() | Arbre 177 | Fragmento de las Mujeres | Juan Tepetzin | New York | Brooklyn Museum of Art | 37.361 | medallion | top root | |
Descent tree: Henry VII | 1603() | Arbre 112 | Genealogical chart tracing the Tudor roots of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots (1542-87) and her son James I | English artist | Pulborough | Parham Park | medallion | bottom root | ||
Descent tree: Louis I | 1610() | Arbre 188-189 | Royal House of Bourbon | French engraver | Aix-en-Provence | Biblioth�que M�janes | G 949 | medallion | left root | |
The Genealogies Recorded in the Sacred Scriptures According to Every Family and Tribe | 1635() | Ombre 50 | Geneva Bible, London, John Bill. | John Speed | p. 34 | |||||
Arbor scientiae | 1635() | Arbre 183 | Ramon Llull: Arbor scientiae (edition falsely dated 1515) | Lyon engraver | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | medallion | centre root | ||
Descent tree: Francis | 1650() | Arbre 180-181 | Franciscan Tree of Life | Sucre, Bolivia | Santa Clara | medallion | bottom root | |||
Descent tree: Johann Georg of Saxony | 1650() | Arbre 190-191 | Family tree of the ducal family of Saxony | Daniel Breitschneider the younger | Berlin | Historisches Museum | medallion | bottom root | ||
Descent Tree: Albert | 1650() | Arbre 34 | Consanguinit� entre Marie de Medicis Reyne de France et Charles I Roy de la Grande Bretagne | Pierre d'Hozier | Christie's Images, London | medallion | top root | |||
Descent tree: San Pedro | 1675() | Arbre 172-173, 178-179 | San Pedro Genealogie | Cuzco, Peru | Monastery of Merced | ensemble | bottom root | |||
Ancestry Tree: Cornaro | 1700() | Arbre 27 | Cornaro painter | Venice | Palazzo Corner Ca'Grande | medallion | bottom root | |||
Arbor scientiae | 1769() | Arbre 184 | Pierre Mouchon: Essai de... | Christian F.G. Roth | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | medallion | bottom root | ||
Arbor scientiae | 1810() | Arbre 185 | Saint-Simon: Tige de l'arbre scientifique de Bacon | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | medallion | bottom root | |||
Tree of Evolution | 1866() | Arbre 195 | Haeckel: Generelle Morphologie des Organismen | Ernst Haeckel | Paris | Biblioth�que nationale | medallion | bottom root | ||
Descent tree: Charles Bonaparte | 1875() | Arbre 187 | Maison Bonaparte | Elisa Montazzi | Ajaccio | Mus�e Bonaparte | medallion | bottom root | ||
Ancestry Tree: Bonaparte | 1900() | Arbre 192-193 | Genealogie de la Famille Bonaparte | Francois R. Duval and Agostin Pascal | Ajaccio | Mus�e de la Maison Bonaparte | medallion | top root |
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by Jean-Baptiste
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