[This version, last edited 2011.08.20, was online mid-April 2012 and is referred to in a forthcoming publication by Jose Carlos Mart�n. It has been replaced by an updated version.]
Any reading list on the history of paragraphy is bound to be short, as the field remains under-researched. The following bibliography on stemmata includes most of the books quoted on this website, but only a few comment directly on stemmata design per se:
On stemmata, the vital texts are Klapisch-Zuber's L'ombre and Zaluska's Les feuillets liminaires, both in French. Two articles in German predate these. That by Wirth is relatively brief in its discussion of stemmata, but offers many wise comments. That by Melville has a medievalist bias and in my view unfairly rules out Late Antique influences. Murdoch's description is the only visitation of the topic in English, other than Gorman's study of the stemmata in the work of Cassiodorus and Watson's now obsolete hypothesis that the Tree of Jesse image somehow influenced the stemma diagram.
The editions in the first section on this page do not all adequately reproduce the layout of the early writers. While the handwriting of manuscripts— their micro-typography so to speak— is generally well described in catalogues and reports, text-layout features— apart from column heights and widths— are often neglected in scholarly descriptions.
This bibliography does not include manuscripts or the facsimile books that reproduce them, since these are described in tabular fashion on other pages.
Data on books listed on this page can be captured using the bibliographic software Zotero.
Blair, C. H. Hunter, ed. “A Visitation of the North of England circa 1480-1500, Part III.” In Visitations of the North, Part III. Vol. 3. The Publications of the Surtees Society 144. Durham: Andrews, 1930. Online.
Boethius. “Commentarii In Porphyrium A Se Translatum.” In Manlii Severini Boetii opera omnia, edited by Jacques-Paul Migne. Patrologia Latina 64. Paris: Migne, 1847. Online.
Boethius, and Samuel Brandt. Anicii Manlii Severini Boethii In Isagogen Porphyrii Commenta. Vol. 48. Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum. Vienna: Tempsky, 1906.
Cassiodorus, and Wolfgang B�rsgens. Institutiones Divinarum et Saecularium Litterarum = Einf�hrung in die geistlichen und weltlichen Wissenschaften. Freiburg-im-Breisgau [Germany]: Herder, 2003.
Cassiodorus, and James W. Halporn. Institutions of Divine and Secular Learning. Liverpool: University Press, 1992.
Cassiodorus, and Leslie Webber Jones. An Introduction to Divine and Human Readings. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946.
Cassiodorus, and R.A.B. Mynors. Cassiodori Senatoris Institutiones. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1961.
Dendy, Frederick Walter, ed. Visitations of the North, Part II. The Publications of the Surtees Society 133. Durham: Andrews, 1921. Online.
Fischer, Bonifatius, ed. “Genesis: Nachtr�ge.” In Genesis. Vol. 4. Vetus Latina: die Reste der altlateinischen Bibel 2. Freiburg-im-Breisgau [Germany]: Herder, 1954.
Isidore, and Stephen A. Barney. Etymologies of Isidore of Seville. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Isidore, and Wallace Martin Lindsay. Etymologiarvm sive originvm libri XX. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1911. Online.
Ayuso Marazuela, Te�filo. “La B�blia Visig�tica de San Is�doro de Le�n.” Estudios B�blicos 19-20 (1960): 5-24, 167-200, 271-309; 5-43, 243-259, 359-406.
———. “Los elementos extrab�blicos de la Vulgata.” Estudios B�blicos 2 (1943): 133-187.
Chazelle, Celia. “The three chapters controversy and the biblical diagrams of Cassiodorus's codex grandior and Institutions.” In The crisis of the Oikoumene : the Three Chapters and the failed quest for unity in the sixth-century Mediterranean, edited by Catherine Cubitt and Celia Chazelle. Turnhout: Brepols, 2007.
Esmeijer, Anna Catharina. Divina Quaternitas: a preliminary study in the method and application of visual exegesis. Translated by D.A.S. Reid. Assen: Van Gorcum, 1978.
Findlater, Alex. “True or False Gentility? Talk on Visitations to the Somerset Heraldry Society.” Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society Newsletter, Spring 2004. Online.
Fischer, Bonifatius. “Algunas observaciones sobre et �Codex Gothicus� de la Real Colegiata de San Isidoro en Le�n.” Archivos leoneses : revista de estudios y documentaci�n de los reinos hispano-occidentales XV (1961): 5-47.
———. “Bibelausgaben des fr�hen Mittelalters.” In La Bibbia nell'alto medioevo. Rist. anastatica. Settimane di studio del Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo , ISSN 0528-5666. Spoleto [Italy]: Presso la Sede del Centro, 1963.
———. “Zur �berlieferung altlateinischer Bibeltexte im Mittelalter.” Nederlands archief voor kerkgeschiedenis 56, no. 1 (1975): 19. Online.
Gorman, Michael. “The diagrams in the oldest manuscript of Cassiodor's Institutiones.” Revue b�n�dictine, no. 110 (2000): 27-41.
Klapisch-Zuber, Christiane. L'arbre des familles. Paris: Éd. de La Martinière, 2003.
———. L'ombre des anc�tres. Paris: Fayard, 2000.
K�llner, Herbert. “Zur Datierung der Bibel von Floreffe: Bibelhandschriften als Geschichtsb�cher?.” In Rhein und Maas. Kunst und Kultur, 800-1400, II:361-376. Berichte, Beitr�ge und Forschungen. Cologne, 1973.
Melville, Gert. “Geschichte in graphischer Gestalt. Beobachtungen zu einer sp�tmittelalterlichen Darstellungsweise.” In Geschichtsschreibung und Geschichtesbewusstsein im sp�ten Mittelalter, edited by Hans Patze, 57-154. Vortr�ge und Forschungen / Konstanzer Arbeitskreis f�r Mittelalterliche Geschichte 31. Sigmaringen [Germany]: Thorbecke, 1987.
Murdoch, John E. Album of Science: Antiquity and the Middle Ages. New York: Scribner, 1984.
Neuss, Wilhelm. Die Apokalypse des Hl. Johannes in der altspanischen und altchristlichen Bibel-Illustration: das Problem der Beatus-Handschriften. M�nster [Germany]: Aschendorf, 1931.
Orofino, Giulia. “Da Montecassino a Nonantola: La tradizione illustrativa delle Institutiones di Cassiodoro.” In Il monachesimo italiano dall’et� longobarda all’et� ottoniana (secc. VIII-X), Convegno, Nonantola, 9-13 September 2003, n.d. Online.
Rouse, Richard, and Charles McNelis. “North African literary activity: A Cyprian fragment, the stichometric lists and a Donatist compendium.” Revue d'histoire des textes 30 (2000): 189-238. Online.
Schadt, Hermann. Die Darstellungen der Arbores Consanguinitatis und der Arbores Affinitatis: Bildschemata in juristischen Handschriften. T�bingen [Germany]: Wasmuth, 1982.
Verasanso, Janet. “The Staffordshire Heraldic Visitations: Their Nature and Function.” Midland History XXVI (2001): 128-43.
Watson, Arthur. The Early Iconography of the Tree of Jesse. London: Oxford University Press, H. Milford, 1934.
Williams, John. “A Castilian Tradition of Bible Illustration: the Romanesque Bible from San Mill�n.” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes XXVIII (1965): 66-85.
———. “A Model for the Leon Bibles.” Madrider Mitteilungen VIII (1967): 281-286.
———. “Introduction and Commentary.” In A Spanish Apocalypse: the Morgan Beatus Manuscript, edited by John Williams and Barbara A. Shailor. New York: G. Braziller in association with the Pierpont Morgan Library, 1991.
———. “The Beatus Commentaries and Spanish Bible Illustration.” In Actas del simposio para el estudio de los c�dices del 'Comentario al Apocalipsis' de Beato de Li�bana, 2:201-219. Madrid: Joyas Bibliogr�f, 1980.
———. The Illustrated Beatus. A Corpus of the Illustrations of the Commentary on the Apocalypse. 5 vols. London: Harvey Miller, 1994.
Wirth, Karl-August. “Von mittelalterlichen Bildern und Lehrfiguren im Dienste der Schule und des Unterrichts.” In Studien zum st�dischen Bildungswesen des sp�ten Mittelalters und der fr�hen Neuzeit, edited by Bernd Moeller, Hans Patze, and Karl Stackmann, 256-370. Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in G�ttingen : Philologisch-Historische Klasse; Folge 3 137. G�ttingen [Germany]: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1983.
Zaluska, Yolanta. “Entre texte et image: les stemmata bibliques au Sud et au Nord des Pyr�n�es.” Bulletin de la Societ� nationale des antiquaires de France (1986): 142-152.
———. “Le Beatus de Saint-Sever � travers sa composition mat�rielle et ses g�n�alogies bibliques.” In Saint-Sever, millénaire de l'abbaye : colloque international, 25, 26 et 27 mai 1985, edited by Jean Cabanot, 279-292. Mont-de-Marsan [France]: Comité d'études sur l'histoire et l'art de la Gascogne, 1986.
———. “Les feuillets liminaires.” In El Beato de Saint-Sever, ms. lat. 8878 de la Biblioth�que nationale de Paris, edited by Xavier Barral i Altet. Madrid [Spain]: Ed�lan, 1984.
Amann, Emile. Le Prot�vangile de Jacques et ses remaniements latins. Paris: Letouzey, 1910.
Anderson, Andrew. Alexander's Gate, Gog and Magog, and the Inclosed Nations. Monographs of the Medieval Academy of America 5. Medieval Academy of America, 1932.
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Bernheimer, Richard. “The Martyrdom of Isaiah.” The Art Bulletin 34, no. 1 (March 1, 1952): 19-34. Online.
Beyers, Rita. “Enfance de Marie et de J�sus.” In Lire dans le texte des apocryphes chr�tiens, edited by R�mi Gounelle, 15-34. Cahiers �vangile: nouvelle s�rie; Suppl. 148. Paris: Cerf, 2009.#cal/Lold/#">Online.
———. “Latin translation of the Protevangelium of James in ms. Paris, Sainte-Genevi�ve, 2787.” In Apocrypha hiberniae; 1: Evangelia infantiae, edited by M McNamara, 881-957. Corpus christianorum, series Apocryphorum 14. Turnhout: Brepols, 2001.
B�e, Sverre. Gog and Magog: Ezekiel 38-39 as pre-text for Revelation 19,17-21 and 20,7-10. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2: 135. T�bingen [Germany]: Mohr Siebeck, 2001.
Bonnaz, Yves. Chroniques asturiennes. Paris: �d. du Centre National de la Recherche Scientif., 1987.
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The GCS series is usefully summarized here.
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